Happy Monday everyone! Monday is never a good day, Back to work, Back to School and back to the real world. J
Also HAPPY NEW YEAR! Did anyone make a new year’s resolution?
Also HAPPY NEW YEAR! Did anyone make a new year’s resolution?
I made one well actually two.
*My first one is to Stop drinking soda and so far I have been 9 days without a soda. It’s so hard especially since the lady that sits next to me at work cracks one open about every hour. I used to never drink as much pop as I do now and I would just love to stop drinking it all together. I also believe that if I don’t drink pop it will help me lose weight and that would be AWESOME! Anyone have any good pointers as to stopping a habit?!?!

*My second resolution is to finish up my degree and I will be soon. I am registered for my last two classes they start Jan 17th and will be done in May. Once I’m done with that I am going to further my education through my work. One awesome Benefit of working for a College is you get your schooling 100% paid for its awesome.

What we’re your new year’s resolutions?
Hope Everyone has a wonderful week.
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