Hello Blogger world and Happy Tuesday! I can’t believe its only Tuesday…. It feels like it should be Friday already maybe I’m just ready for a 3 day weekend HAHAHA its really hard to get back into the swing of things after the holidays don’t ya think?
Last night once I was done with dinner I decided to take a look at my closet I read on a blog awhile ago that on Jan 1st you should turn all your hangers one way and then after you re put something back up turn it the opposite way and if by Aug 1st you still have stuff hanging the original way get rid of it because if you haven’t wore it yet the chances are you probably won’t. Well I have my own way I just keep shoving stuff to the back of the closet.
So last night to the back of my closet I went my room was a complete disaster and since I didn’t start this little project till about ooo 8:45 it is still a disaster but right now I have one HUGE box overflowing with clothes that I haven’t worn in maybe 2 years to stuff I bought on clearance and thought I liked with the tags still on. I’m such a waster.
I have also came to realize that I have a MILLION dresses, and I have probably only wore each of them once, how terrible is that?!?! I need to start renting these things ;)
After I got at a good stopping point for the night I cleared everything off the bed and snuggled up with my little princess and started reading.
(My little princess)
The book I am currently reading is Sliding Into Home by Kendra Wilkinson. If you don’t know Kendra Was on The Original Girls Next Door aka Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend. I have been wanting to read this book ever since it came out but I wasn’t about to spend $30.00 on a book, So when I saw that it was only .99 in the Kindle store the other night I was all over it and I haven’t been able to put it down.

Here is an overview of the book from Amazon.com ;
Fans of the E! smash hit series The Girls Next Door fell in love with sporty Playboy beauty Kendra Wilkinson’s care- free spirit, infectious laugh, and down-to-earth nature. Now that she’s moved out of the world’s most famous bachelor pad and into her own delightfully chaotic world on Kendra as wife to NFL star Hank Baskett and mother to their newborn son, we’ve watched her hilarious antics as she adjusts to domestic life. But how much do we really know about the fun-loving star? In this humorous and optimistic, sometimes heartbreaking, but always unfailingly honest memoir, Kendra reveals the highs and lows of her extraordinary journey. She wasn’t always the quintessential girl next door. Before she was a reality television superstar, Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend, or one of the most popular Playboy cover models ever, Kendra was an athletic tomboy whose father walked out on her family when she was a little girl. She grew into a rebellious teenager with a serious drug habit before she quit cold turkey and beat the odds to graduate from a high school that almost didn’t give her a second (or third, or fourth) chance. Following her rocky teenage years, an out-of-the- blue phone call from Hugh Hefner changed everything. Kendra dishes candidly about life in the Playboy Mansion: the sex, the parties, the show, and even her relationships with her Girls Next Door costars—Hef, Holly, and Bridget. She tells the true story about how she and Hank met and built a relationship in secret while she was still Hef’s girl- friend and a public face of Playboy. Finally, she reflects on the slew of unexpected changes in the short space of a year that have brought her sliding into home from Playboy party girl to wife and mother with a blooming Hollywood career. If you think you’ve seen all of Kendra, think again. She’s only warming up. . . . This book is definitely a Little different but I cannot put it down. It is very interesting hearing about what goes on behind closed doors. I watched Girls Next Door Holly Bridget and Kendra religiously on E! I even have all the season on DVD it was just a funny show!
But if your looking for a good easy read this is def a high recommendation.
Until Next time Blogger friends.
Sounds like you have a good start on your closet :) Maybe it is time for another garage sale, Happy Tuesday!