Okay okay I know i've been an AWFUL blogger lately! But i'm going to try really hard to get back in the swing of things especially now that I have all this free time.
As of right now I am currently unemployed... I had quit my job because it just wasn't working out I was too stressed and feeling sick to my stomach all the time, I'm only 21 and I don't think I should have a job like that, so i'm currently on the look for something new. Also I am finishing up with an online class then taking a break from school until October which is when the new online term starts so I will have some free time on my hands until then.
Some of you are probably thinking "WOW i wish I had that much free time" HAHA well in some ways its not as great as you think! I'm going stir crazy you can only watch The Food Network and re-runs of Sex in the City so much until you wanna die! I've been doing lots of cleaning around the house and trying to find stupid little projects to finish. But being unemployed also has its ups, I do LOVE being able to do whatever i want whenever I want. I've been planning lots of things to do as well as doing lots of fun things...
Last Friday night me and my sister went to the Lady A Concert at the a Local Fair and it was a BLAST until it started pouring... check us out after the concert, so cold we went home and put on sweat pants and sweatshirts to get warm hahah but it was well worth it! :)
Also Next week my brother, sister-in-law and my wonderful Niece will be in town for awhile so I can't wait to spend a few days with her and Give her some lovin... Some friends of mine have started buiness here and the Doing a DJ service and a photography service they have been doing really well and asked me and danny if they could shoot some photos of us for their website and we agreed, love helping friends out. Check out the sneak peek she sent me... they are wonderful I love them she does such a good job for someone who JUST started!
I can't wait to see the rest :) Thank you Allison and George!
On a couple of other side notes ( HAHA I have lots to catch everyone up on) On July 11th around 5:15am an awful Wind storm hit my home town we had winds up to 135 mph taking down about 1 in 3 trees here. We were down in the basement for about 20 mins and I just kept praying that our house was still there and thankfully it was! Everyone was safe and not to major of damage just A LOT of small damage to home but probaby the biggest damage was to the place my mother had just retired from she had worked there for 34 years Check out the pictures below :( not a fun time!
Trees down in our backyard
The wind had blown that little garage in the middle of the road
The Braille School where my mom worked.. the Copper roof completely torn off :( so sad!
Our front porch
Tree blocking us in the get in the drive way
Things are finally getting cleaned up around town they said about 40% is now cleaned up and thankfully we all have power we were without power for 8 days and had a heat advisory out as well... let me tell you I had to go somewhere else to stay it was WAY to hot!
Well I hope ya'll enjoyed my update and I can't wait to catch up on all my blogs
Until Next time